Data Flow

GState could apply the concept of unidirectional data flow like Flux or Redux

React Todo example write with GState


let nextTodoId = 0;
export const addTodo = (state, text) => {
    const id = nextTodoId++;
        todos: {
            [id]: {
                completed: false

export const setVisibilityFilter = (state, filter) => {
        filter: filter

export const toggleTodo = (state, id) => {
    const completed = state.get(["todos", id, "completed"]);

        todos: {
            [id]: {
                completed: !completed

Commands is same with Redux’s reducers. They could be pure functions, take state as parameter, and use state.get to read, state.set to mutate. It is important because you could reuse the command’s business logic for any state context/path. It is also easy for testing:

test("test addToDo command", () => {
    const state = new GState();
    state.set({ todos: {} });

    addToDo(state, "a");
    expect(state.get({ todos: { _: 1 }}))
        .toMatchObject({ todos:[{text: "a", completed: false}]});


import React from "react";
import TodoList from "./TodoList";
import gstate from "./gstate";
import { toggleTodo } from "./actions";

const getVisibleTodos = (todos = [], filter = "SHOW_ALL") => {
    switch (filter) {
        case "SHOW_ALL":
            return todos;
        case "SHOW_COMPLETED":
            return todos.filter(t => t.completed);
        case "SHOW_ACTIVE":
            return todos.filter(t => !t.completed);

const TodoListWithState = gstate(
        todos: {
            _: 1
        filter: 1
    (props, data) => {
        return (
                todos={getVisibleTodos(data.todos, data.filter)}
                onTodoClick={id => toggleTodo(props.state, id)}

module.exports = TodoListWithState;

Queries use gstate state declarative high order component(same with Appollo’s graphql or Relay createFragmentContainer) which use to query information and render stateless components.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""