Declarative State
Even more important is that these components are declarative : they allow developers to specify what the UI should look like for a given state, and not have to worry about how to show that UI — Thinking in Relay
The pattern 's basic ideas:
- Components should only care about render a state without knowing how, when and from where.
- Components should declare a specification of the data needed to render.
- Data dependency definitions should live alongside component definitions, which makes it much easier to reason about what data a UI component requires to render. Looking at a file that contains a component definition, it’s immediately obvious what data it needs to function.
Component Composition
Complex, large state declarative components can be created by composing smaller components. There are 2 approaches:
- Parent component could declare data shape for both children and itself.
- Parent use _state.path(key) _to create sub-state for children which declare their own state requirements.
const TodoList = ({ state, title, todos }) {
render() {
return (
{ => <TodoItem state={state.path(["todos", key])} />)} //child with sub-state
const TodoListWithState = gstate({
title: 1,
todos: {
_: "$key" //, key) => key)
}, (props, data) => (
<TodoList state={props.state} title={data.title} todos={data.todos}/>
// declarce data on substate ["todos", key]
const TodoItem = gstate({
text: 1,
completed: 1
}, (props, data) => (
<li style={{ textDecoration: data.completed ? "line-through" : "none"}}>
Notice the pattern is same with elm
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
[ class "todomvc-wrapper"
, style [ ( "visibility", "hidden" ) ]
[ section
[ class "todoapp" ]
[ lazy viewInput model.field // child component with sub state
, lazy2 viewEntries model.visibility model.entries // child component with sub state
, lazy2 viewControls model.visibility model.entries // child component with sub state
, infoFooter